We have set off on our next adventure ~ 2 weeks in England.

Below is our obligatory “Beginning of an adventure” picture under the Fairy Tree!

We are excited to see our nephew marry an amazing woman this weekend and then will tour around the country for 2 weeks enjoying castles, fish and chips and other stereotypical touristy things one must do while in England.

We are currently sitting in the Toronto Intl Airport in Canada waiting for our connecting flight which has been delayed for 4 hours. We put a few of our painted rocks out near us and it is really fun watching peoples reactions when they find them. I can’t stop thinking about how our rock project has blossomed into a major part of our lives. We started out painting rocks as a way to leave a part of ourselves in places we visit instead of feeling pressured to buy something in order to preserve its memory. Now it has become a way of life and something we enjoy doing all of the time.

Painting rocks is very therapeutic for us as well as the people who find them. It is always inspiring to look up and find quotes to write on them and our inner creativity definitely shines through on some of our art. Hiding the rocks and watching people find them gives us the special joy of being able to give secret gifts to unsuspecting strangers. Lastly, receiving notes and messages from the people who find them is a huge gift for us as well.

We have also been able to bring our friends into this project! We’ve had painting play dates and

rock painting at work. Cats classroom painted rocks for us to bring to England (Picture below is of the rocks her class created.)

and families have even come over to paint them.

It’s a fun, easy thing to do that doesn’t require any technology and gives people the opportunity to be creative. Mistakes can be painted over and giggles are always required.

It’s just been one of the best things we have ever started.

To date we have painted and dropped about 1500 rocks. Caitlyn has made a goal for us to paint 2018 rocks in 2018. We have made a little over 500 so far and are always looking for people to join us to make more. Let us know if you would like to help us!

Below are some of the responses we have received over the past few months. They make me feel like we really are making a difference in this crazy world we live in!

In a world with so much negativity and unhappy people, these rocks seem like the simplest way to spread positivity and good vibes!

With that I will sign off for the day. I’m super excited for the the next 2 weeks and the adventure that awaits us! Stay tuned to hear all about it!